Bronx & Yonkers

Looking to sell a business or commercial property in this area? is a business & commercial real estate listings marketplace connecting thousands of buyers & sellers, business owners, investors, builders, entrepreneurs, salespersons and professionals including real estate brokers, attorneys & accountants with an interest in businesses and property for sale in the Hudson Valley, Catskills, Berkshires & Capital District Region. Interested investors and buyers call YOU direct!’s quarterly newsletter, “New Businesses & Commercial Listings E-Newsletter,” reaches close to 8,000 active subscribers and is growing weekly with buyers and investors that want to hear about businesses and commercial real estate for sale throughout New York. Between our web traffic, social media presence & our email marketing, we are confident you will be satisfied with your activity and results! Call Today! 845-224-8005

Brokers welcome with multi-listing package prices available.

Don’t want to talk with buyers directly? Call Hudson Valley Business Brokers & Consultants and let them handle the sale for you. All calls confidential, 845-224-8005.